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The Art of Looking Forward

Even just 3 months ago, I couldn't imagine being where I am today. There are still heavy days that feel as if the good days are just a trick, but speaking my very darkest feelings and then intentionally finding a purpose in each day - not looking at the big picture of

life without my son - has helped. In fact, one day I woke up with the idea that I needed to go back to school and get a Bachelor's Degree in Family & Human Services with a special focus on Non-profit Management. So I enrolled. I've completed my first 2 semesters at BYU - Idaho's Pathway program. Next semester I will complete my first certificate (Marriage, Family, and Human Relations) and earn my Associate's Degree. After that I should be able to complete my Bachelor's Degree by December 2024!

I finally feel the energy and the confidence to create some momentum for The Beekeeper's Well. How do you like the new website?! I have an 8-week break from school coming up, and I intend to get a lot done for the organization and get started supporting other grieving parents and the family and friends who support them every day.

I can't wait to see how we grow!

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